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A Sweet Life
Group 1097
Puzzle 3
Activity where you might see a Smokey the Bear ad.
An African giant killed by Hercules.
Barney's last name in How I Met Your Mother.
Black-shelled bivalves seen on ice at market.
Cosmic man, or the Self in Hinduism.
Embroidery where fabric within outlines is removed.
Fictional scowling green enemy from Minecraft.
Founder of Rome, twin brother of Remus.
German-Jewish biographer of Franz Kafka.
Heavily groomed dogs that can be standard or toy.
Measure of compactness; mass divided by volume.
Microsoft's digital assistant, like Alexa or Siri.
One whose speech is affected by a stroke.
Places to live, such as apartments or homes.
Proverb, "If at first you don't __ try, try again".
Sleepy comic strip dad; tall sandwich.
The music genre sung by Willie Nelson.
The photograph of a person who committed a crime.
To propose or put forward an idea to consider.
__ Hopkins played Nixon on screen in 1995.
__ heels, layers of leather to resemble wood.
__ plans, for marriage ceremony and celebrations.