About this page

This is the official CodyCross answers page, created exclusively by the team behind CodyCross Crossword Puzzles!

We decided to create this page to offer our players an easy way to search for answers to clues and help move forward in the game.
We hope that the answers will give you a little nudge when you need it, all while advancing in the game, developing your knowledge and having fun playing CodyCross.

About CodyCross

CodyCross is a crossword puzzle game that is different than the traditional crossword puzzles!

The puzzles are built around beautifully designed thematic maps. Each crossword puzzle contains a secret vertical word that reveals itself as you answer the horizontal clues.

The word is connected to the map's theme. The more puzzles you solve, the further you advance through the map and get to unlock new levels.

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Fanatee is always careful with your data, we explain in an easy and transparent way our commitment to your privacy and all your rights. You can read it more on our Fanatee Website by accessing the oficial link here.