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All Things Water
Group 1285
Puzzle 3
19th-century French mathematician Charles.
A swollen area of tissue containing pus.
Ancestral home of Diana Spencer, Princess of Wales.
Board game about general knowledge, Trivial __.
Cloth that covers a window.
Everybody's Talkin' singer, Harry __.
Famous electric guitarist, Jimi __.
Horror movie featuring young Damien Thorn.
Jackson who wrote The Haunting of Hill House.
Jacob __; first person to mass produce ice cream.
King Lear's eldest daughter in the play.
Nosy person who sneaks around, eavesdrops.
Olympic gold medalist in soccer.
Shachrit, Mincha, and Maariv in Orthodox Judiasm.
Structural unit of a kidney.
The largest living primate.
Very very cold, below freezing.
__ plates, arty auto collectibles of the 50 states.