Puzzle 3

An alien's vehicle.

Band known for Enter Sandman, Master of Puppets.

Baseball advice: __ your eye off the ball.

Containing nitrogen polysaccharide.

Flies a plane at very low altitude.

Germany's highest mountain.

HBO Drama about a clergyman.

Holiday on the second day of Christmastide.

Large, dark brown olives named after Greek region.

Shopping by postal catalogs.

Sleep-inducing drugs.

Smallest of the three blood vessels in the body.

Snake whose name is Afrikaans for 'tree snake'.

The __, film about steelworkers turned performers.

This college elects the US President.

Two-way talking devices.

Video game featuring a blocky 3D world.

Watchmen character named after a famous test.

Without intervention, innately.

Wooden boy whose nose tattles on him.