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All Things Water
Group 1296
Puzzle 3
Archangel painted by Masolino da Panicale in 1430.
Archangel who is in Leonardo's Virgin of the Rocks.
Armless cylindrical stool.
Assistant in a religious service or celebration.
Carter who was youngest ever on a Billboard chart.
Celebration also known as nuptials.
Chewy piece of meat from near the bone.
Country bumpkin arrested in Love's Labour's Lost.
English father of the computer, Charles __.
Gone with __, Oscar-winning 1939 film.
Group of undercover agents: __ Cell.
Here be __; legendary message at edge of old maps.
Kerry Washington stars in this political TV show.
Low-growing plant with tiny purpley blooms.
Mysterious buzzing sound heard in Mexican town.
Paint or engrave with dots of flicks.
Part of an organ often accompanied by "oblongata".
Prehistoric, elephant-like creature with wool coat.
Sears was famous for this, also called a wish book.
Third wife of Donald Trump, First Lady until 2021.
Transported or took something somewhere.
__ or latch hook braids, fix faux hair into braids.