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Architectural Styles
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African country where the pula is spent.
Art of using marionettes.
Dance footwear that make a clickety-clack noise.
First name of Mona Lisa's creator.
Flat, wall-mounted central heating appliance.
Gigantic, very large or powerful.
Insect that pollinates flowers.
Male singing voice between tenor and bass.
No hard __, with no ill will or grudges.
One-handed, over the head basketball attempt.
Partial or complete break in a bone.
Residents of Nome, Juneau, or Fairbanks.
Simpsons' character with outdated music taste.
South Korean 2020 Best Picture winner.
Tower that was London's tallest building in 1963.
Type of tomatoes that come in fancy colors, shapes.
Voucher given as a present.
Watch brand famous for chronographs.