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Art Museum
Group 723
Puzzle 2
Altered something for the better, upcycled.
Arnold who goes with eggs and hollandaise.
Birds of prey, like turkey vultures.
Bragging, immodest, showing off.
Broad-winged birds of prey sometimes called buteos.
Dead in __, without hope of success.
Defeat, conquer, overcome in battle.
Dental condition with protruding upper jaw.
Dig up, remove soil for building foundations.
Extra text added to a speech at a later stage.
Funeral __, person who arranges the final goodbye.
Japanese music festival on the side of a mountain.
Pieces of hair that fall in corkscrew curls.
Starred opposite DiCaprio in Catch Me If You Can.
Three-dimensional representation of a human.
Vocabulary banter used in crosswords.
__ Mata, happiness and long life Hindu goddess.
__ cap; imaginary hat worn when pondering.