Puzzle 3

"My __ will not be repressed": Jane Austen quote.

A __ board is a spread of food or large buffet.

Button, oyster, portobello.

Carved, etched, e.g. with a name or message.

Container with gas under pressure.

Facial lines, like cheekbones.

French for Mister.

Honest, not lying.

James __; Canadian-American inventor of basketball.

Played by Attenborough in 10 Rillington Place.

Pressurized container with gas.

Reign name of Puyi, China's last emperor.

Relating to finance or currency.

Shaft of illumination from the Earth's satellite.

Take matters into your __; tackle issues directly.

The Pretenders hit, Brass __.

Trick-taking card game, named after a Frenchman.

Warbling sound made by birds.

__ Apgar; developed Apgar Score scale for infants.
