Puzzle 1

Annual Wyoming bull riding contest, __ Rodeo.

Author of All Quiet on the Western Front.

Body that protects consumer rights.

Comic book that came before Doomsday Clock.

Curve formed when a plane intersects a cone.

Defensive stockade for a military camp.

Dustin Hoffman, in a 1967 movie.

Eight-legged horse in Norse mythology.

General name for a creature that preys on others.

Giant ancient reptile; anagram of rain duos.

Idle, lazy, good-for-nothing person.

Lambic beer with this fruit is known as kriek.

Measure of salts in water, as in desert areas.

New year celebrated by Sikhs and Hindus.

Photographs made on thin sheets of metal.

Refuse to let someone in, deny admittance.

Singer of Wuthering Heights and Hounds of Love.

Smock-like vestment worn by the clergy.

Sport combining cross-country skiing and shooting.

TV title character who builds tools from junk.

The Beckham also known as Posh Spice.

The Gateway Arch in St. Louis is this shape.

The chemical element represented by the symbol W.

These are flicked to turn on lights.

Thick, medicated cream rubbed onto sore skin.

Use of marionettes or characters on fingers.

Website promoting socially aware viral content.
