Puzzle 4

A small flat playing piece in a board game.

Country that's home to The Little Mermaid statue.

Crêpes __, drizzled with orange liqueur set alight.

Dress up as a movie or cartoon character.

First name of Oprah Winfrey's husband Graham.

Going to the gym to lift weights, __ iron.

Hoppity Celtic dance moves seen at a ceilidh.

John, singer of Creedence Clearwater Revival.

Make the most of, hold something dear.

Male turkey nickname, also called a Tom.

Maritime facility where ships dock.

Murmuring rock alongside Germany's River Rhine.

Musical that includes the song "Razzle Dazzle".

Name for the Maya underworld.

Roman __, Audrey Hepburn as royal princess.

Some say walking under a ladder brings this.

The red flap of skin under a Turkey's chin.

Unstable body molecule also called a free radical.