Puzzle 5

Anton __, Swiss chef previously at the Dorchester.

Bloodsport and Kickboxer actor Jean-Claude.

Capital of Finland, host of the 1952 Olympics.

Deep pocket in magician's jacket.

Deeply felt; relating to internal organs.

Earring or eyebrow stud, for example.

English equivalent of the French name Dieudonné.

Get knots out of hair.

Gillian Flynn's 2012 psychological thriller.

He sang Wonderful World and Cupid.

Last-minute nerves before a major event.

Legal term for an unpredictable natural event.

Nationality of track and field star Jermaine Brown.

Nintendo game with ink-firing squid.

Office machine that rips paper into tiny pieces.

Plastic substance patented in 1909.

Roman temple to all the gods.

Room or closet where clothes are kept.

Selina Kyle, feline-obsessed Batman villain.

Totally normal; unexceptional.

U.S. Senator from 1954 to 2003: Strom __.

__ Chats, talks to the nation by FDR.

__ Frankie, TV show with Jane Fonda, Lily Tomlin.

__ Gillette, invented and named a brand of razor.