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Botanical Garden
Group 1425
Puzzle 3
Chinese communists, followers of famous Chairman.
Early West African currency based on bracelet form.
Green or purple veggie often mistaken for lettuce.
Harry Caray was known for this signature phrase.
Jury __; call-up for attendance during a trial.
Makers or sellers of stringed archery weapons.
Makes or sellers of tools for archery.
Marked by an X on a treasure map.
Michael __ almost played Jar Jar Binks in Star Wars.
Salad __, device for rotating damp edible leaves.
Signature phrase used by Harry Caray, Phil Rizzuto.
Space probes that carried Beethoven music.
Via __; "iron path" nerve-wracking climbing route.
What a tonitrophobic person is scared of.
__ de Chavignol, Loire Valley goat's cheese.