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Group 1149
Puzzle 1
Disappointed, like a deflated balloon?.
Frank fellow talked about flying to the moon.
Going in the opposite direction to down.
In science, the property that keeps a body at rest.
Jot down thoughts and ideas on one.
Lighter Lynchburg Lemonade with less sugar.
Maiden destination of famous royal liner, the QE2.
Moral story told by Jesus Christ.
Nationality of surrealist painter René Magritte.
Sad story Shakespeare might write.
She Stoops to __, theatrical piece by Goldsmith.
Tapestries concealing alcoves.
This spider has a violin-shaped mark on its back.
Tony the Tiger loves these cereal flakes.
What Hank sells on King of the Hill.
__ band; silicon device fitted to aid weight loss.
__ class, flight seats accessed by turning right.
__ cousin, a relative close enough to embrace.