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Group 1149
Puzzle 5
Appliance maker whose repairman gets bored.
Astronomer who discovered other galaxies in 1924.
Hypoxia is the medical absence of this gas.
Season of Beethoven's Violin Sonata No. 5.
Soft boot made of reindeer skin worn by Inuits.
Spanish city home to a Guggenheim art gallery.
Step-by-step directions from A to B.
Swarming pest known for eating all crops.
The fictional city where Family Guy is set.
The mass media company who made Aquaman, __ Bros..
The outer layer of an organ.
Toasted or grilled Italian-style sandwich.
Tough __, dirty obstacle race with lots of puddles.
Winnie the Pooh's big cat friend.
__ well; thriving, flourishing.