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Campsite Adventures
Group 840
Puzzle 2
A smaller subgroup in a culture.
Author of The Buddha of Suburbia.
Avenue with a current in an Eddy Grant song.
Fully sealed, e.g. container for safe food storage.
Getting down on bended knee to ask for marriage.
Hideous, appalling, nightmarish.
Horse breed with golden coat and white mane.
Huntley's partner on a classic NBC news show.
Large, tropical flower that can be eaten.
Location where clocks display the same hour.
Mathematical symbol whose value never changes.
Matthew McConaughey was Dazed and this.
Microphone usually clipped to the shirt or collar.
Music by Grieg: In the Hall of the __ King.
Rituals where males assemble to dance for mates.
The Greek mythological hero with a vulnerable heel.
The riches of the past owned by a country.
What an ABC book might help teach.