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Group 1268
Puzzle 1
Benjamin __, author of Poor Richard's Almanack.
Brazilian festival often compared to Mardi Gras.
Chobe National Park is in this African nation.
Condition causing skin, hair and eyes to be white.
French mathematician Jean-Baptiste le Rond d'__.
Jewellery worn around the wrist.
Marvel superhero team who often assembles.
Piscine crackers made by Pepperidge Farm.
Romans built this style of underground cemetery.
Terrapin species named for its ruby head stripes.
The Friar's name in Romeo and Juliet.
The fans of a celebrity; one's potential suitors.
Type of chicken wings that are all meat.
Vertical groove between the nose and upper lip.
Video game often abbreviated WoW: World of __.
When jurors can't reach a verdict.
White winter flower, bell shaped.
Will Byers' older brother on Stranger Things.