Puzzle 3

Behemoth who put Superman 6-feet deep.

Cold body part given to someone you ignore.

Film about Idi Amin, The __ of Scotland.

Fish-shaped animal.

French literary genre from early Renaissance.

Goldilocks tried this breakfast dish made of oats.

Hot oatmeal dish enjoyed by Goldilocks.

Louis __, a father of skyscraper architecture.

Movement/displacement of peoples around the world.

Odd decorating style combining a variety of styles.

Ottawa __, hockey team member of NHL.

Rectangular sheet laid at a table for a diner.

Ryuichi __, had a hit with Merry Xmas Mr Lawrence.

Swedish name for Gothenburg.

Swiss cheese town.

The ants go marching __, Hurrah! Hurrah!.

Type of charge that flows through an anode.

Wires with a stopper at the end, used in beading.