Puzzle 5

40s bowl games included this dried grape Bowl.

Compacted grass stored and used as animal fodder.

Duct which passes from the kidney to the bladder.

Foul-mouthed, potty-mouthed.

French dance form of the 17th-18th centuries.

Greta, director of Lady Bird and Little Women.

Gretel's brother.

It turns the flow of household water on and off.

Justice League's part man, part machine member.

Keys depressed by fingers on trumpets.

Long pastry filled with cream with a chocolate top.

Opened mouth because of tiredness.

Sleeping accessory for resting one's head.

Small royal crown.

TV castaways often get voted off this place.

Top floors of houses.

Yellow canary who often accompanies Sylvester.

__ rippers, slang for romance novels.
