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CodyCross' Spaceship
Group 1185
Puzzle 3
1345 Parisian cathedral Victor Hugo wrote about.
2011 Soderbergh film about a global pandemic.
Acting in anticipation of future problems.
Alcohol in a Pink Lady: gin and __.
Communist party's policy-making committee.
Connective tissue in the human body.
Croakiest youngster suffering from laryngitis.
Cushioned bottom of a 50s brothel creeper.
He plays Konstantin in Killing Eve.
Longest built structure in the world as of 2021.
Major political U.S. group from 1834 until 1854.
Manually-turned locks without spring actions.
One who writes notes on a book.
Pink Fong's song about a young cartilaginous fish.
Religious ceremony with body, blood of Jesus.
Reptile that flattens its body to glide in the air.
Saint whose feast day is February 14.
Space object that transmits signals.
The shortest of the three Triple Crown racing legs.
Type of extra reading provided by professors.
__ Newton, __ Fleming, __ Graham Bell.
__ arch, monument with curved doorways.