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CodyCross' Spaceship
Group 1186
Puzzle 4
A cloud with a flat base and heaped mounds.
Abby __, a fairy character from Sesame Street.
Africa's most populous country.
Bournville sweet spot: not Hershey's but __ World.
British prime minister Boris.
Father of Isaac in the Bible.
First female to win best director Oscar.
French greeting that literally means "good day".
Game with a mallet and hoops.
Humorless, showing disapproval.
One of seven in the US Constitution.
Scary creature one might dress up as for Halloween.
Severe disease spread in unclean water.
Show off a collection, perhaps on a shelf.
Singer whose real name is Montero Lamar Hill.
Spicy peppercorn named after a Chinese province.
Tallest terrestrial animal.