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CodyCross' Spaceship
Group 1187
Puzzle 1
Ancient city where Mary gave birth to Jesus.
Belts that carry goods in a production line.
Cats survive scrapes as they’re said to have these.
Chicago brand known for breakfast orange juice.
City that's home to Orioles and Ravens teams.
Common name for dizygotic twin.
Electric theatre organ made by US-German.
Female dancer who performs arabesques, pirouettes.
First Duke of Wellington: Arthur __.
Identification of an illness.
Laws limiting monopolies.
Living chemical detector.
Meaningful constituent parts of words.
Mimic martial arts movements without contact.
Nicholson and Dunaway's water wars film.
Reverted to a less developed state.
State bordered by Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa.
Symbol that's more often called a hashtag now.