Puzzle 2

A large record-keeping book, especially of finance.

Afterlife residence for the faithful.

Ayem __; black Indonesian chicken.

Bay between Greenland and Canada.

David __, leader of the cult at Waco, Texas.

Dealing with aesthetics.

Different materials on top of each other.

Get __, to be annoyed, bad-tempered.

Harriet Tubman was picked to grace this banknote.

Jack Lemmon's female alias in Some Like It Hot.

One who mends holes in fabric.

Positively charged particle in an atom.

Seam __, spiky tool for tearing stitches apart.

The __ King, Jeff Bridges plays a radio shock jock.

Weasley patriarch.

What a group of ants is called.

__ Jackson; Michael's oldest brother.

__ the Redeemer, towering Rio hilltop sculpture.