Puzzle 1

A Cornish festival celebrated on October 31st.

An increase in price and fall in purchasing power.

Beach Boys album.

Car parts converting rotational motion.

Charlie Brown's piano-playing friend.

Chocolate and nougat bar with triangular chunks.

Competitive equine.

Dutch Master painter.

Former bus driver, sang From Russia with Love.

Habit-forming; show that makes you want more.

Hand or foot injury caused by exposure to cold.

Homeless wanderer in The Road to Oz.

Lawn weed.

Make the sound of a word in a particular way.

Name of the ship that Darwin famously went on.

Old word for insulting language.

Pattern-style of ballroom dance.

People from Britain's oldest overseas territory.

Place also known as Tinseltown.


Snoop Dogg's Starsky & Hutch role in 2004.

Stamp to protect from copyright infringement.

The Tale of __, cat with sisters Mittens & Moppet.

The way someone says words depending on an accent.

To look alike; a type of twin.

Turned to limestone.

Winged insect, called a sedge by an angler.