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CodyCross' Spaceship
Group 1200
Puzzle 1
Add batteries to make a model Nemo swim.
Alternative name for a garment's turtleneck.
An activity where one slides downhill over snow.
Catholic sleeveless garment.
English county at the western end of the Tin Route.
Getting onto something, like a plane.
Hitchcock film about menacing avians.
Inexpensive ship accommodation.
Jennifer, Joey, or D. H..
Little star-shaped symbol used in written text.
Main relay station of the brain.
Sauteed, seasoned bread cubes.
Serpent made by hatching an egg under a toad.
Suggested or otherwise inclined.
To make smaller, or lay off employees.
Trail politicians are one when trying to win votes.
Words whose meanings differ, same spelling, sound.