Puzzle 2

A basketballer called the Mamba with the number 24.

Ability to walk through walls or become invisible.

Amazing move or sequence in chess.

American volcano that had a major eruption in 1980.

Band who sang "Save A Prayer" and "Come Undone".

Canal through which human food travels.

Cosmetic worn in Ancient Egypt as a power symbol.

Crying like a lamb.

Cushioned layer beneath a floor covering.

Decorative hanging light often made of crystal.

Early literary work by Chaucer, The __ Tales.

Insect that rolls excrement into a ball.

Instruments around the necks of domestic animals.

Long luxury vehicles driven by chauffeurs.

President of Finland, elected in 2012: Sauli __.

Shoe with a sole made out of rope.

Snake-like ocean carnivore.

Stay motionless and breathe, empty the mind.

What the K in KFC stands for.

Zero kelvin is scientifically called __ zero.
