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Group 1072
Puzzle 4
1999 Jonathan Kellerman murder mystery.
A BS degree is a Bachelor of this field.
A closed cupboard or closet.
A spinning sensation and loss of balance.
Central lake of Beijing's Summer Palace complex.
Disputed island group in the South China Sea.
Guitar strings need the right amount for tuning.
Non-paper money that is in circulation.
Opaque, matte watermedia paint.
Residence of Prussian kings, southwest of Berlin.
Sandra, Oscar-winning star of Speed and Gravity.
Shakespeare's first child, born 1583.
Small packages of sticks, or grouped utilities.
Sport in which you could "hang 10" or "wipeout".
Stage show that turns out to be an unexpected hit.
Stinging polyp where clownfish live.
Sweet paste made of nuts and boiled sugar.
The V in Law & Order: SVU.
The giant who met his end when David used a sling.