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Group 1076
Puzzle 2
A serving of raw fish encircled by cooked rice.
An X-Men superhero with retractable claws.
Battery brand with a bunny who has a drum.
Battery brand with a bunny who never stops.
Biblical area east of Eden; the state of sleep.
Country from which a Sammarinese person comes.
Folding surface often used to play bridge.
For example, raw fish encircled by cooked rice.
Fun term for stores on cruises.
Glass souvenir with white flakes that float in liquid.
M. Night Shyamalan film about plants, The __.
People requesting joinder to a lawsuit.
Roger, first athlete to run a 4-minute mile.
Rubber block for inking the day onto documents.
Run DMC covered their hit Walk This Way in 1986.
Short-statured dog breed from China.
Some floorboards do this to connect.
Type of help offered to "Millionaire" contestants.