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Group 645
Puzzle 2
Active ingredient in Pepto-Bismol.
Actor John, who played Dan Conner in Roseanne.
Artist who painted Portrait of a Young Man.
Attractively packaged bath products.
Became aware of, perceived.
Best __, global hotel chain with crown logo.
Congratulatory phrase; raising headgear.
Fame and __, Dick Whittington sought this.
First name of Maduro, 2013 Venezuelan president.
Hitting a snooker ball into a pocket.
Idea to be elaborated on.
Makes a noise on a hot grill.
Musically, describes Alexander's Band.
Peter, one of the original "Rat Pack" members.
Products sold together for giving to other people.
Seasonal wind of the Indian Ocean, southern Asia.
Wrinkly dog with blue-black tongue.
__ House, Isle of Wight home of Queen Victoria.