2 February 2022 - Midsize

Abbreviation for daylight saving time.


Deepest brown pigment of paint from iron oxide.

Eastern Standard Time, abbreviated.

Hammers used to strike percussion instruments.

Having or showing great knowledge.

Name of a "Big" bell in London.

Sierra __, African nation with Freetown as capital.

Small four-stringed guitar popularized in Hawaii.

Something that costs nothing.

South Korean boy band who had a hit with Dynamite.

Telephone Line and Livin' Thing band, abbreviated.

Text slang way to say works for me.

Three-letter code for the Malaysian ringgit.

Tokyo's tallest, cloud-touching landmark.

Type of galaxy consisting in a flat, rotating disk.

Wheaton who played Wesley Crusher in Star Trek.

__ Pieces, peanut butter in sugar shells.
