2 May 2021 - Midsize

A woman who serves food or drinks to people.

Barium is an __ with an atomic number of 56.

Beatles lyric, "You say __, I say no".

Bravery, courage.

Budget inn, usually located on a roadside.

Chocolate Rain singer __ Zonday.

Dante visits this city in The Divine Comedy.

Food delivery app.

Incredibly so.

Large body of water between W and E Antarctica.

M.D., for short.

Men being wed.

Money put in at the beginning of a card game.

Netflix series, Santa __ Diet.


Point in soccer.

Text lingo for in real life, not on screen.

The perennial herb also called wild marjoram.

World Wide Web, for short.

__ the Dog, 1997 Dustin Hoffman movie.

__ vera, medicinal plant.
