3 August 2023 - Midsize

Abbreviation for the European Central Bank.

Author of Interview with the Vampire.

Bar, grogshop, saloon, cantina, café.


Country on West African Coast, capital Monrovia.

Craven, horror movie director including Scream.

Entry level nurse in the US and Canada.

First word of Iowa's capital city.

Hung about aimlessly; lingered.

Literary word for wash against.

Marsh, swamp.

On a compass, the opposite of SSW.

People or animals who like to be with others.

Place where science is done.

Psychoactive compound found in a species of poppy.

Song American Pie starts "A long, long time __".

Steals, swipes.

Texas city made famous by Chip and Joanna Gaines.

Walk like one with The Bangles.

Whizzing along on a bike.

Yoko, writer of 1964's Grapefruit.
