4 March 2022 - Midsize

Acronym of the Museum of Modern Art.

An after-afterthought in a letter.

Before, poetically.

Being nothing more nor better than.

Don't cut the bough you are __ on.

Dustin Hoffman and Tom Cruise movie Rain __.

Earth's only natural satellite.

Film studios with a roaring lion.

Image file extension for lossless data compression.

Italian music term for graceful.

Laugh out loud in internet speak.

Laws of speech and writing.

Melon liqueur, bright green used in cocktails.

North American ice sport group.

Personal belief.

Remains of a fire.

Similar to marzipan but with apricot or peach.

Something to preserve the memory of a person.

Taiwanese Life of Pi filmmaker __ Lee.

This is used to catch fish or butterflies.

What you hit when you want to sleep longer.
