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4 November 2023 - Midsize
4 November 2023 - Midsize
A shorter name for a wildebeest.
Atlantic or Alaska Standard Time.
Baked dessert you might get in the face.
Concluding section of a song.
Dollars from America go by these three letters.
Friendly to the environment, sustainable.
Hi, how's it going?.
Hung about aimlessly; lingered.
Initialism for the direction east-south-east.
Intense yearning for someone or something.
Law enforcement forensic team.
Moldova's currency.
Oil-cooked potato wedge.
One who drops or sprinkles things, e.g. seeds.
Pertaining to the Milky Way or other galaxies.
Popular kids' brand of toy oven.
Power actor Loren.
Quick messaging way to say can't talk now.
Restless leg syndrome for short.
Santa's little helper.
Sarcastic response to an obvious statement.
Simon who starred in Shaun of the Dead.
Singer and former member of The Supremes.
Spotless, immaculate.
Sugary tree liquid.
Type of email that doesn't show the recipients.
What parents say to a child who didn't say please.