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4 December 2022 - Midsize
4 December 2022 - Midsize
Abbreviation for strengthening movement in a set.
African big cat once called the "hunting leopard".
Boat built by Noah.
Chemical formula for caesium cyanide.
French term for a dead end; cul-de-__.
From country that is 700 islands, north of Cuba.
KLM, United, Lufthansa, Air China.
Kilometers Per Hour.
Major route or road system.
Polynesian rum cocktail __ tai.
Psychologist Timothy Leary advocated its use.
Short for ecological.
Sliced off a blister.
Some experiments use salt to do this to clouds.
Texts spoken aloud at a wedding ceremony.
The indigenous Polynesian people of New Zealand.
Ti __, I love you in Italian.
US TV network with an eyeball logo.
What total number of candles on a cake represent.
Worst case __.
Yoko, artist partner of John Lennon.