5 March 2023 - Midsize

A Japanese word for seaweed; it's used in sushi.

Almondy Italian biscuits.

And so on.

Animal sometimes called an antbear.

Assist, help.

Cone-shaped agricultural kiln for drying hops.

Distress device shown in the sky to alert Batman.

Franklin Delano Roosevelt in short.

Grade point average, as an initialism.

Hindu holiday celebrating Vishnu.

Italian dish like a quiche made from eggs.

Made less tight.

Mr. Driver who plays this Mr. Sackler on Girls.

Orphaned boy with pet dragon in 1977 Disney movie.

Oscar-winning actor Mr. Malek.

Performing __ include theater, music and film.

Photo, for short.

Previously Sauber F1 Team, __ Romeo F1 Team Orlen.

Related to, like another thing.

Russian Empress between 1730 and 1740 CE.

Sheep sound.

Short for Clementine.

Short for association.

Short for generally accepted accounting principles.

Tennis player Steffi.

The meat of a calf.

The middle one of three membranes around the brain.