6 March 2024 - Midsize

"I"s in Greek.

A French thank you.

Assist, help.

Brutish, evil creature from The Lord of the Rings.

Day-__, extremely bright yellow, orange or pink.

Entry for the letter D in the dictionary.

Female sheep, mother of a lamb.

French afternoon newspaper respected globally.

IUCN inventory of endangered species.

National Rifle Association.

Passports or licenses, for example.

Patron saint of Milan.

Player who can play in two positions in basketball.

Religious ceremony involving oil.

Remember this Texan structure.

Second-biggest Arabian sovereign state by mass.

Short for rich text format.

Suffix meaning that which carries.

To sew a design on a piece of cloth.

Type of artificial turf.

Word missing from Grand Opry for the music concert.

Yes, to a pirate.

Yoko, artist partner of John Lennon.

__ hanout, spice blend used in North African food.
