7 April 2022 - Midsize

A current of moving wind; American travel trailer.

Actors Begley and Begley Jr..

Add a mouse to a laptop using this connector.

Another name for fish eggs; a kind of small deer.

Apocynum plant that's harmful to canines.

Bladed garden tool for weeding, loosening soil.

Buying and selling across markets to make a profit.

Deoxygenated blood passes through these vessels.

Eastern American time zone during the summer.

Flour tortilla stuffed with fillings.

German exclamation of surprise.

Happy Days star Howard who directs movies.

In the countryside.

Makes someone aware of impending danger.

Microsoft news portal.

Number that's a pair.

Over, higher than.

Pondered, mulled over.

Quick messaging way to say can't talk now.

Rubbers, for removing pencil marks.

Singer Joan __, What if God was One of Us.

Surname of actresses Mary-Kate and Ashley.

The United States' largest association of doctors.

Use one's eyes.
