7 May 2022 - Midsize

2012 Katy Perry hit, "Part __".

Amorous cartoon skunk, __ le Pew.

Central American nation, home to Mayans.

Equitable prices, working conditions for farmers.

Estimated Time of Departure.

Fine, average, like thumbs up.

First name of human rights lawyer Clooney.

Foes of Hobbits.

Forearm bone.

Grab your board, __ is up and the barrels are rad.

Indian state, once part of the Portuguese Empire.

Informal eatery.

Layer of grime on a pond.

Lower fabric of two overlapped pieces in a garment.

Manual floor cleaning device.

Medical Loss Ratio.

Mollusc cookout.

Nigerian gospel singer Emmanuel Benjamin.


Online selling platform for creative goods.

Relaxed and peaceful.

Relaxed, chilled out.

Resistance training can improve it.

Singer of Natalie Don't and The Line.

Sound made when feeling the cold.

The first black woman in space __ Jemison.

__ Full of Stars, 2014 hit single for Coldplay.
