7 July 2021 - Midsize

A sticky and amorphous substance.

An online acronym that means let me know.

California Highway Patrol.

Currency code for the Sierra Leonean leone.

Home and Community Based Services.

Long style of carpet.

Metal hydroxides that are caustic in water.

One sort of visual effects in a blockbuster movie.

Payment to deliver parcels.

Pennsylvania chocolate manufacturer.

Popular interlocking block toy.

Product whose ads ask "Does she or doesn't she".

Relating to the earth.

Relaxation location, often with hot springs.

Robert Downey Jr. in short form.

Scarlett O'Hara lived on this plantation.


Something you feel when there's nothing to do.

Sound of a character dying in the Roblox game.

TV channel focused on remodeling, selling homes.

US President Kennedy by his three initials.

US taxpayers report to this revenue service.

__ Nicks, Singer for Fleetwood Mac.