7 December 2022 - Midsize

Abbreviation for American International Group.

Abbreviation for alias, known by another name.

Abbreviation for daylight saving time.

Helped, aided.

Hits the slopes.

Informal word for to insult someone.

Key typed with Ctrl and Del.

Mayim Bialik sitcom before Big Bang Theory.

Microsoft web and news portal.

More wet, humid or clammy.

Mosque's prayer leader.

Mouse relative.

Pat at a stain gently to remove.

Period of time in history.

Road indicator that commands you to hit the brakes.

Short name for a single-lens reflex camera.

Stanley __; Jim Carrey's character in The Mask.

Swiss ski resort popular with British royalty.

The third red avenue, US version.

To demand something firmly.

Upper limbs.