8 July 2021 - Midsize

A tailless primate.

Abbreviation for alias, known by another name.

At last, __ James' "love has come along".

Bathing vat.

Decorative fish.

Employer Shared Responsibility Payment.

Eradication of slavery.

Fortified complex, Russian White House equivalent.

Hindu goddess of time.

Hit a soccer ball.

Hot liquid food eaten with a spoon.

Indonesia's three-letter country code.

Inflatable rubber ring inside a bicycle wheel.

Last name of Anywhere singer Rita.

Offer kind words to make someone feel better.

Properties owned by a person, esp after death.

Someone who travels for pleasure.

Stench, smell.

The sound of something hitting hard.

To damage someone's reputation with lies.

US Media org, aka National Public Radio.

US sporting goods store with initials for name.

Word said at the end of many prayers.

__ Wars, __Trek, or A __ Is Born.
