8 November 2023 - Midsize

Abbreviation for selective service system.


Baseball hat.

Common audio file format.

Curved out of shape.

Honest Company's actress founder Jessica __.

Indian city where the Taj Mahal is located.

Inkblot psychopath of Alan Moore's Watchmen.

Irish, Welsh, Scottish or Breton person.

Jacket without sleeves.

Lithium aluminum hydride.

Microsoft web browser released with Windows 10.

Mont Blanc is in this range.

Outer shell of a ship.

Popular music genre.

Russian Empress between 1730 and 1740 CE.

Saudi King from 1982 to 2005.

Suitable, fitting.

The opposite of succeed.

US law student entrance exam.

Unsettles, disturbs.

What __ around comes around.

What every law has.

Whispered noise for "over here!".

Wolf, flow and fowl are all __.

Word said at the end of many prayers.

__ scenario, as bad as things could get.