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9 June 2023 - Midsize
1989 Young MC jam for all the fellas.
Acronym for Mars exploration rover.
Add a mouse to a laptop using this connector.
Affix at the front of a word meaning "before".
Australian Football League, in short.
Automatic Data Processing.
Behavior that's not the norm, different, strange.
Birthing surgery from Roman times.
Chemical formula for calcium oxide.
French for (male) friend.
Gives the cold-shoulder, ostracizes.
Luke's teacher, __-Wan Kenobi.
Slang term for a squabble, also a very tart fruit.
Stakes upped by players before receiving cards.
Steve, actor and former firefighter with bad teeth.
Strong coffee drink with steamed milk.
The last night of the year (initialism).
US government secretive surveillance experts.
__ Like This, Kelly Clarkson's debut song.