10 March 2022 - Midsize

Bike motocross sport or type of off-road bike.

Classic French white sauce with bay.

File suffix for an Excel spreadsheet.

French word before Misérables for a musical.

Furious wrath.

Giraffe family member with striped legs.

Han __, Legalist scholar in Warring States China.

Hole in the ground for petroleum harvesting.

Hotels, B&Bs.

Language once spoken in Scandinavia.

Malta's alpha-3 code.

Name of the main Ewok in Return of the Jedi.

Opposite of western.

People who are dependent on a substance.

Person in charge of a department.

Remove outer vegetable skin with a knife.

Rowboat paddle.

Salad dressing; large home for animals.

Steamed Chinese dumpling or bun.

Verdi Egyptian opera about Ethiopian princess.

Wild pig.
