10 June 2021 - Midsize

Actors father James and son Scott.

As well as.

Aussie word for a utility vehicle.

Certified Travel Associate.

Festival of Unleavened Bread, or _ HaMatzot.

Goddess of the Labyrinth in Greek mythology.

Ground cereal; usually crushed, steel cut or rolled.

It means "dove" in Spanish.

Jean who starred in Ronin, The Da Vinci Code.

Killer whale.

Large green lizards with spiny backs.

Long accompanied song for a solo voice.

Men's black tie outfit, for short.

Microsoft news portal.

Ostrich-like flightless bird.

Point in soccer.

Smoked salmon that tops a bagel.

Someone who plays a large stringed instrument.

Song American Pie starts "A long, long time __".

Term for Muslim festival or feast.

The tin man needed this to speak to Dorothy.

Yam-like root vegetable that originated in Asia.

Yoko, artist partner of John Lennon.