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10 June 2021 - Midsize
Actors father James and son Scott.
Aussie word for a utility vehicle.
Certified Travel Associate.
Festival of Unleavened Bread, or _ HaMatzot.
Goddess of the Labyrinth in Greek mythology.
Ground cereal; usually crushed, steel cut or rolled.
It means "dove" in Spanish.
Jean who starred in Ronin, The Da Vinci Code.
Large green lizards with spiny backs.
Long accompanied song for a solo voice.
Men's black tie outfit, for short.
Ostrich-like flightless bird.
Smoked salmon that tops a bagel.
Someone who plays a large stringed instrument.
Song American Pie starts "A long, long time __".
Term for Muslim festival or feast.
The tin man needed this to speak to Dorothy.
Yam-like root vegetable that originated in Asia.
Yoko, artist partner of John Lennon.