10 August 2024 - Midsize

Abbreviation of Transport Layer Security.

Abbreviation of four major US entertainment awards.

Aching, throbbing.

Broad smile.

Common insects.

Culture Club singer.

Encouraged someone to do something.

French ballpoint pen brand.

Game Show Network, acronym.

Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender, initialism.

Lhasa __, Tibetan dog breed.

Lion homes.

List showing whose turn it is to work.

People older than 12 but younger than 20.

Plead on one's knees.

Polynesian flower garland, anagram of "lie".

Precious stone.

Problems or obstacles to overcome.

Rebellions, revolts.

Shadow's father in American Gods.

Short for committee.

The process of taking food in.

To have a common boundary with.

Tubular predecessor to the flute.

Type of vehicle fuel that comes from plants.

Yoko, artist partner of John Lennon.

You've got mail, for short.
