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10 November 2022 - Midsize
10 November 2022 - Midsize
Army rank of Pepper of the Lonely Hearts Club Band.
Certified Travel Associate.
Code of Germany's Frankfurt airport.
Common wild ducks.
Craven, horror movie director including Scream.
Crude name for a male donkey, comes before "jack".
Flavorless food that makes up jello.
Halloween is during this month, in short.
How witches mix up ingredients in cauldrons.
Irresistible attraction.
Large friend to Sophie in a Roald Dahl story.
Name that WWI general Kitchener shared with Nelson.
Not even.
Of sound mind.
Part of phone number that suggests location.
Pesto __ genovese, Italian green pasta sauce.
Short for enclosed.
Simple number with quantity only, not direction.
TV series.
The sound of something hitting hard.
Transforms a signal into mechanical motion.