11 June 2024 - Midsize

A male ferret.

A two-pronged vehicle used for carrying objects.

Abbreviated nickname of the US Republican Party.

Abbreviation for images or photos.

Ancient stone pillars, often with inscriptions.

Financial head of a business.

Galena and Hematite.

In TV, Ponch and Jon worked for this institution.

Internet abbrev. for away from keyboard.

Keanu Reeves' part in The Matrix.

Measure of a nation's economic wealth.

Milky sweet tea in India.

Possessive determiner, no apostrophe.

Recalled, remembered past events.

Rowboat paddle.

Slang term for kilometers.

Stereotype, overused phrase, expression.

Submerging in liquid, most common with eggs.

The sound made by an angry cat.

To fix foods to be eaten.

Vietnamese rice noodle soup.