13 September 2022 - Midsize

A kitchen tool used to crush garlic.

Actors Begley and Begley Jr..

Author of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

Deferential title for a knight.

Energy efficiency ratio, abbreviation.

Figures that represent players in videogames.

Five letters completing the words land~ or sea~.

Kansas City Chiefs QB: Patrick __.

Leisure hours not spent working.

Mark, stain, or disfigure.

One who has romantic evenings out.

Opposite of the beginning.

Pablo's wife and boat in For Whom the Bell Tolls.

S, written as a full word.

School association for parents and teachers.

Song American Pie starts "A long, long time __".

The Empire Strikes Back director Kershner.

Three letters texting someone that you miss them.

Three-letter code for the Egyptian pound.

To see or create something in a person's mind.

Trimmed the edges of a photograph.

Units of heredity that sounds like a pair of pants.

Use one's eyes.

Web address.
