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16 September 2022 - Midsize
16 September 2022 - Midsize
A nanny one might be in a teddy bear.
Boxer Muhammad who was Cassius Clay.
Burns from boiling liquid.
Catch sight of.
Compounds that can be carbox- or phospor-.
Crude name for a male donkey, comes before "jack".
Dress that is below the knee but above the ankles.
Exclamation upon a lightbulb moment.
French fashion designer Saint Laurent.
Graduates of a university, informally.
Invalidates a check.
Large, blundering and clumsy person.
Short craze that is briefly popular.
Short form of high-definition multimedia interface.
Spanish word used to toast to good health.
The sorceress from The Emperor's New Groove.
Toxic gas with three oxygen atoms in its molecule.